
“Mindfulness is the energy that helps us to be truly present. When you are truly present, you are more in control of situations, you have more love, patience, understanding, and compassion.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

Mindfulness of who we are and the impact we want to achieve in any present moment brings our actions into alignment with our intent, our values, our being. It calms and energizes us, and is also incredibly efficient.


“Secrecy is the enemy of efficiency, but don’t let anyone know it. ”
Ric Ocasek

Efficiency is transparent – we see it, others see it in us. It creates ease and resourcefulness and cuts out stress and distraction. It allows us to communicate from our highest selves, where our spirit thrives.


“Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art”
Leonardo da Vinci

Our spirit, our passion is fully expressed when our heart, mind and body are fully engaged. Our spirit guides us toward ways of being and acting that are in service of our life and soul purpose. Accountability to that purpose leads us to choices that are affirming rather then debilitating.


“Accountability breeds response-ability.”
Stephen R. Covey

Action is about manifesting our desired impact in the world. It is conceived in mindfulness, born through efficiency and fed by spirit.


MESA Coaching Blog

A 6-Yr. Old Was Arrested In North Carolina…

He didn’t know that simple act, that slight tug on the earth stemming from admiration or longing would land him in the back of a cop car…


Kim shares tips on how family members and caregivers can be more present with their loved ones or clients and how music can soothe them and create avenues of communication.

Kim Fowler, Author

Even though my mother’s body did not die from the stroke, a huge piece of her was suddenly erased, like footprints rubbed from the shore by a quick tide.

Coaching for Individuals & Relationships


“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”
-George Bernard Shaw

 How many times have you walked away from a conversation feeling misunderstood or not heard? Listening is the first step to effective communication. Learn the blocks to clear communication and how to avoid them through coaching with Kim.

The Healing Power of Conflict

“For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, debate.”
– Margaret Heffernan, CEO, writer, keynote speaker

Conflict is at the top of many people’s list of “things to avoid.” The truth is, engaging in healthy, respectful conflict can be healing, creative and generative. Let Kim help you engage in rather than avoid conflict and create collaboration and harmony.

Caregiving for Yourself

“I have discovered in life that there are ways of getting almost anywhere you want to go, if you really want to go.”
– Langston Hughes

Caring for your children, your aging parents, your partner or your community is truly effective if want and choose to go toward caring for yourself, too. When you include yourself in the picture of caring for people you care the most about, the image changes to one in which you are more present for all the moments, whether difficult or joyful.

Parenting Your Parents

Parents age, children grow up, and at some point, adult children face the sobering reality that they will have to care for their aging parents, reversing the roles they’ve always known.
– Jeff Bevis, Forbes Magazine

When my mother suffered a stroke that left her with decreasing physical ability and increasing dementia, I found myself not only parenting her, but also renegotiating my role with my father from child to caregiving partner with my father. There was the challenge of new power dynamics in both roles, and huge opportunities for learning and finding new accesses to love. Let Kim help you find a place for you to create and hold new relationships with your parents, or a partner who is facing health and/or mental changes.

Grieving as a Health Supplement

“Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak knits up the o-er wrought heart and bids it break.”
― William Shakespeare, Macbeth

Many of us are protected from experiencing grief at an early age. Children in Western societies often don’t attend funerals. Tears are still often stopped when all someone wants is to be held to weep. Unexpressed grief constricts in us and can come out in unproductive or even damaging ways from loss of sleep to addictive behavior. Kim provides a place for you to be with, honor and move through your grief and into your innate wholeness.

Leadership Coaching for Management & Teams

Are you an Executive Director seeking a stronger, more effective relationship with your Board Chair?

Do you have a management team struggling to find trust and a collaborative way of working?

Is your organization wanting to clarify its vision, values, and goals?

Are you looking for a structure for evaluating program effectiveness that incorporates staff and stakeholder input?

MESA Coaching can help.

Kim knows every aspect of nonprofit management from having held the positions of grantmaker, executive director, program manager and board president in her 25 years of experience in nonprofits, academic institutions, and city government. Kim provides executive coaching to directors and management staff; team systems coaching ranging from 2-person to organization-wide teams; successful conflict coaching to staff in disagreement; leadership training for supervisors and managers; and facilitation for retreats, focus groups and other vision and planning based meetings. Her coaching and training are infused with a deep knowledge of the individual management and broader systems challenges faced by nonprofits and small businesses.

Business, government and nonprofit clients include:

  • 45th St. Artists Co-op

  • Alameda Family Services

  • Alibris

  • East Bay Asian Youth Center

  • Emeryville Public Art Commission

  • National Association of Black Journalists

  • The Marin Community Foundation

  • The San Francisco Foundation

  • TSA of the Dept. of Homeland Security (through CTI)

About Kim Fowler


For many years I held fascinating and diverse jobs in arts management through my roles as a government funder, nonprofit executive director, program manager at Stanford University, and management consultant. Then I took the Fundamentals Course at the Coaches Training Institute – where I also served as a faculty member for 8 years – and for the first time in my life embarked on a career that I chose rather than one that chose me.

I came to coaching from years of experience in a peer-to-peer counseling process (Reevaluation Counseling) that held the fundamental belief of the innate wholeness and resourcefulness of every individual. I found coaching to hold the same principles, and in becoming a faculty member with Leadership That Works (a position I continue to enjoy), I deepened my awareness and ability to coach issues and facilitate conversations involving race, culture, gender, class, spiritual practice, and all the many ways in which we identify ourselves and can also experience prejudice and oppression. Through coaching and teaching, I discovered a way of living and working that enabled me to witness and engage with the joy, exploration, and courage of people’s journeys to their essential, inventive, celebratory selves.

As a Professional Certified Coach, I create an alliance with you in service of the discovery of what it means to be truly a choice, act from your unique purpose, trust your insights and fully experience every part of the exploration. With humor and the rigor of truth, I give you tools for investigating, clambering out of and avoiding the pitfalls, and walk with you as you navigate your path to the peaks. In my role as an Organization and Relationship Systems Certified Coach (ORSCC) I help your organization’s team delve below the surface of its working relationships to discover the elements and wisdom of their unique entity, where shifts are aching to happen. Through coaching, you discover how to achieve them and change the dynamics within your team or organization.

I love drawing on my diverse toolkit – which also includes my life as a theatre performer, singer, and writer – to work with my clients. So if you are an individual, an executive, a business or personal partnership or a team ready to step off the cliff and soar from your highest being, I invite you to come play.

Contact Mesa Coaching

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MESA Coaching